WCEE Membership
There are various levels of involvement in WCEE that allow for any organization or staff member to be involved in our work. We ask that you consider what level would work best for you so that you can get the most out of your membership. All membership levels are free of cost.

Community of Practice and Sub Committees
The Community of Practice are quarterly meetings that allow members of the Coalition to support guiding the group towards our identified mission and vision. Sub Committees are formed from identified needs and meet as smaller groups working towards specific outcomes with external partners.
Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee is a role that supports the Program Lead in directing the Coalition towards achieving our joint mission and vision. These roles comprise of current coalition members as well as community members that are dedicated to bringing high quality, culturally relevant nature based learning opportunities to Whatcom County. These are term based positions that rotate amongst current Coalition Members.

Trainings and Workshops
WCEE trainings and workshops specifically designed with Community Based Organizations in mind. Each event is tailored to the needs of the Coalition. Topics include conflict resolution and trauma informed care, equitable community collaborations for Environmental Education, and many more. These trainings are suggested by Coalition Members and will always strive to be free for members.